The Georgia Association of Managers of Educational Information Systems (GAMEIS) organization was formed in 1982.

K-12 education technology staff members can attend the annual GAMEIS conference for a $100 registration fee.

The GAMEIS mission is to provide a venue for K-12 education technology leaders to learn district/school leadership, vision, and strategy; technical management; and data management. GAMEIS attendees will network with colleagues and gain awareness of best practices aligned with the Consortium for School Networking (COSN) framework of essential skills for Chief Technology Officers.

As the use of technology in public-school systems has grown, so has the participation in the GAMEIS conference. Today, attendees from school systems around the southeast, of varying sizes and levels of complexity, regularly attend the annual conference. Conference attendees will gain awareness of best practices and current innovations in the education technology industry. Recognized leaders in technology solutions conduct relevant instructional sessions that address current needs in the K-12 sector.

The GAMEIS Conference

The GAMEIS conference takes place in summer–always in July; therefore, the GAMEIS organization encourages attendees and vendors to bring their family. We include family-friendly events and activities like the ice cream social and Presidential Family Dinner.

Each year, GAMEIS will feature high profile opening and closing keynote speakers with emphasis on relevant and current trends or challenges facing K-12 education technology. Our goal is to continuously improve and bring new ideas to the conference.

More Info

Information related to the GAMEIS conference can be found using the GAMEIS app, available on the App Store and Google Play Store .

Sponsor Cancellation or Downgrade Policy

  • Sponsorship cancellation fees
    • Before March 3, 2025:  refund, less $500 cancellation fee
    • After March 3, 2025:  no refund available
  • Cancellations must be received in writing (email or letter) from a representative of the company signing this contract and confirmed as accepted in writing (email or letter) from an a show management representative.
  • In the event of either a full or partial cancellation of space by a sponsor, show management reserves the right to reassign canceled booth space, regardless of the cancellation assessment. Subsequent reassignment of canceled space does not relieve the canceling sponsor of the obligation to pay the cancellation assessment.

Attendee Cancellation Policy

District Attendees cancelling prior to June 9, 2025 will be issued a full refund.  No refunds will be issued to those District Attendees who cancel after June 9, 2025. Cancellation requests must be sent to GAMEIS@kinsleymeetings.com.



July 8-11, 2025


Savannah Convention Center
1 International Dr.
Savannah, GA 31421
